Fast-track assembly for an extraordinary machine (Jan. 2018)

6 weeks of assembly for this 21-metre-long machining centre! This was the challenge faced by the MÉCANUMÉRIC teams at the end of 2017.


Chassis, gantry, table, tool magazine, probe, spindle, tools...: 6 weeks of assembly and assembly summarised in this accelerated video.
Thanks to its design office and fully in-house production, MÉCANUMÉRIC was able to set itself apart by offering its customer a tailor-made solution within a controlled timeframe.



MÉCANUMÉRIC and SID Dental : 2 expertises dedicated to the servicing of dental prostheses laboratories (oct. 2017)

MÉCANUMÉRIC and SID Dental : 2 expertises dedicated to the servicing of dental prostheses laboratories (oct. 2017)

MÉCANUMÉRIC, the main french producer of milling machines with numerical control for the dental sector and SID Dental, a major actor in the distribution of materials and equipment for the dental prothetists, just signed a partnership agreement on the
A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

MÉCANUMÉRIC just set up its new online website dedicated to industry, education and dental stakeholders. Main features : a more refined design, more video contents and a website which can be easily viewed on tablet or smartphone.
A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

A new design for MÉCANUMÉRIC’s website (Jan. 2018)

MÉCANUMÉRIC just set up its new online website dedicated to industry, education and dental stakeholders. Main features : a more refined design, more video contents and a website which can be easily viewed on tablet or smartphone.
MECANUMERIC new building : almost ready ! (Feb 2019)

MECANUMERIC new building : almost ready ! (Feb 2019)

12 months of intense contruction work will allow Mécanuméric to gather all its activities on a single site ...